Who We Are

Dr. Phil Griffin

Senior Pastor

Pastor Phil has been in ministry over 37 years and led Grace Point since its beginnings in 2004. He is a graduate of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married to Tracy and has three beautiful girls: Bethany/Jordan, Payton/ Nich, and Faith. He has two grandchildren: Sunny and Axel. Phil’s hobbies are cars, Hilton Head Island, riding his Harley Davidson and time with family.

Rusty Asble

Family and Discipleship Pastor

Rusty joined our Grace Point Pastoral leadership in 2022. He is a graduate of Palm Beach Atlantic University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and been in Pastoral ministry for over 34 years. He is married to Stacy and they have 3 children and one grandchild: Ridge/Hillary, Garrett, Susie and grandson Coleman. Rusty loves Jesus and using creative ways to share Him to others. His hobbies are hunting, fishing, birddogs, farming and building relationships with others.

Justin Mucha

Worship Pastor

Justin joined the Grace Point staff in December of 2021. He is married to Layne who also serves with him on the worship team. Justin graduated from Lee University with a Bachelor of Music in Music and Worship in May of 2022. As well as music, Justin's hobbies include trying new places to eat, road trips, and spending time with friends and family.

Jennie Panzica

Children's Minister

Jennie has been a volunteer in the children's ministries at Grace Point for 13 years. Following her retirement as a Case Manager with the Tennessee Dept of Human Services in March of 2022, she joined the Grace Point staff in 2022 as the Kid's Director. She has worked with children of all ages for over 30 years and is on mission to help them understand that Jesus loves them and His word can be trusted. She enjoys having family game night, and of course spending all the time she can with her grandchildren.

Payton Mowery

Preschool Minister

Payton joined our Grace Point staff in May 2024.

Caleb Miller

High School/Young Adult Pastor

Caleb joined the Grace Point staff in March 2024. He is a graduate of Covenant College with a Bachelors in Sports Management with a minor in Coaching and Biblical Studies. Upon graduating, he began full-time ministry working with our high school and young adults. Caleb is married as of June 2024 to his wife Maegan. He enjoys playing golf, pickleball, and basketball.

Sam Conar

Middle School/Young Adult Pastor

Sam joined the Grace Point staff in March 2024. For two years prior, he was our Student Intern. He is a graduate of Bryan College with a Bachelors in Christian Ministry. Upon graduating, he began full-time ministry working with our middle school and young adults. Sam is married as of June 2024 to his wife Emma. Sam enjoys working out, playing video games, theological discussions and spending times with friends.

Sam Kiehl

Media and Communications Director

Sam joined the Grace Point staff in May of 2023. He and his wife Asia, were married in February of 2023. Asia is on staff at Lee University. Sam enjoys all things media and communications and is always looking for someone who loves graphic design or holding a camera! He also loves all things music, fantasy football, pickleball, and is an avid dad-joke fan.

Mike Powers

Audio/Visual Service Director

Mike joined the Grace Point staff in May of 2023. He is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University. He is married to Kristie. Dad to 3: Chelsie, Eric/Abby, and Jonathan. He has a career in radio spanning over 35 years both on the air and behind the scenes (operations and engineering). He enjoys working in the yard and spending time with his family and friends.


Phil Griffin

Rusty Asble

Family & Discipleship Pastor


Justin Mucha

Jennie Panzica

Children's Minister


Payton Mowery

Preschool Minister


Caleb Miller

High School/Young Adult Pastor


Sam Conar

Middle School/Young Adult Pastor


Sam Kiehl

Media/Communications Director


Mike Powers

Audio/Visual Service Director


What We Believe

I. The Scriptures

The Holy Bible was written by men as they were divinely inspired by God. It is a perfect treasure of divine instruction. It alone is the final authority in determining all doctrinal truth. It is completely trustworthy, inspired, infallible and inerrant. (II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:19-21; Romans 16:25-26; Psalm 19:7-10)

II. God the Father

There is one and only one living true God. God as Father reigns with providential care over His universe, His creatures, and the flow of the stream of human history according to the purposes of His grace. He is all powerful, all knowing, all loving, and all wise. God is Father in truth to those who become His children through faith in His Son Jesus Christ. (Genesis 1:1; 2:7; Exodus 3:14, 6:2-3; I Chronicles 29:10; Psalm 19:1-3; Matthew 6:9-10; John 4:24, 5:26; Romans 8:14-15; I Corinthians 8:6)

III. God the Son

Christ is the eternal Son of God. In His incarnation as Jesus Christ He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived a perfect sinless life for 33 years, died a tragic yet voluntary death on the Cross, was buried and then raised from the dead three days later. In doing so he conquered death and the grave and made provision for all who would repent of their sin and trust His finished work on the Cross to be redeemed. He is the only way of salvation as the Scriptures remind us, “He is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but through Him.” (John 14:6) After appearing to more than 500 people following His resurrection, He ascended into heaven and is now exalted at the right hand of God. He will return in power and glory to judge the world and to consummate His redemptive mission. (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18, 3:17, 8:29, 11:27, 14:33, 16:16, 27; John 1:1-18, 27; Romans 1:3-4, 3:23-26; Galatians 4:4-5; Philippians 2:5-11; I Timothy 2:5-6, 3:16)

IV. God the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, fully divine. He inspired holy men of old to write the Scriptures. Through illumination He enables men to understand truth. He exalts Christ. He convicts men of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. He calls men to the Savior, and effects regeneration. At the moment of regeneration He baptizes every believer into the body of Christ. Cultivates Christian character, comforts believers, and bestows spiritual gifts by which they serve God through His church. He seals the believer unto the day of final redemption. He enlightens and empowers the believer and the church in worship, evangelism, and service. (Genesis 1:2; Judges 14:6; Job 26:13; Psalm 51:11, Isaiah 61:1-3; Matthew 1:18, 3:16, 4:1, 12:28-32, 28:19; John 4:24, 14:16-17, 26; 15:26; 16:7-14; Acts 1:8; 2:1-4, 38, 4:31; I Corinthians 2:10-14, Galatians 4:6)

V. Salvation

We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; His death, burial, and resurrection. Salvation is a gift from God, totally undeserved and cannot be obtained through good works. It is 100% a work of God. (Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9-10; II Corinthians 5:17-20; Ephesians 1:7, 2:8-9; Galatians 2:16-20; Titus 2:11-14, 3:5; Hebrews 9:22)

VI. Repentance

Repentance is the commitment to turn away from sin in every area of our lives and to follow Christ, which allows us to receive His redemption and to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit. At the same time repentance is part of a daily walk with Jesus Christ where evidence of the Holy Spirit’s presence in the life of the believer is demonstrated by His conviction of sin in the life of the believer. (Acts 2:21, 3:19; I John 1:9)

VII. Sanctification

Sanctification is the ongoing process of yielding to God’s Word and His Spirit in order to complete the development of Christ’s character in us. It is through the present ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that a Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. Growth in grace should continue throughout the believer’s life. (Romans 8:29, 12:1-2; II Corinthians 3:18, 6:14-18; I Thessalonians 4:3, 5:23; II Thessalonians 2:1-3; Hebrews 2:11)

VIII. The Church

The New Testament church is the body of Christ. It is an autonomous local fellowship of baptized believers who exist under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. They are associated together in a covenant relationship for the purpose of the fulfillment of the Great Commission with the understanding that every member is a minister. Under the accountability of Jesus Christ, the local church is led by Pastors and Elders as mandated by Holy Scripture. (Matthew 16:15-19; Acts 2:41-47; Ephesians 1:22-23, 2:19-20; Colossians 1:18; I Timothy 3:1-15; I Peter 5:1-4)

IX. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

Baptism – Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer’s faith in the crucified, buried and risen Savior. It is an outward symbol of an inward change whereby the believer has died to self and been resurrected by Christ. (Matthew 3:13-17; Acts 2:38, 41-42, 8:35-39, 16:30-33)

The Lord’s Supper – The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic act of obedience whereby members of the church, through partaking of the bread and the fruit of the vine, memorialize the death of the Lord Jesus Christ and anticipate His second coming. (Matthew 26:26-29; I Corinthians 10:16, 11:23-29)

X. Stewardship

God is the source of all blessings, temporal and spiritual; all that we have and all that we are we owe to Him. As believers we are therefore under an obligation to serve Him with our time, talents and our material possessions. According to the Scriptures, Christians should contribute of their means cheerfully, regularly, systematically, proportionately, and liberally for the advancement of the cause of Christ. (Malachi 3:8-12; Matthew 6:1-4, 19:21, 25:14-29; Luke 12:16-21; Acts 2:44-47; I Corinthians 16:1-4; Philippians 4:10-19)

XI. The Lord’s Day

The first day of the week is the Lord’s Day. It is a day all Christians should set aside for regular worship both privately and corporately. It is a day to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Activities on the Lord’s Day should be commensurate with the Christian’s conscience under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 12:1-12; Mark 2:27-28; Luke 24:1-3; Romans 14:5-10; I Corinthians 16:1-2)

XII. Evangelism And Missions

It is the duty and privilege of every follower of Christ and of every church to strive to make disciples of all nations. The heart’s desire of every believer should be to see their family, friends, coworkers and acquaintances come to a saving knowledge of Christ and then grow to become fully devoted followers of Christ. This effort should begin at home and extend all the way to the remotest parts of the earth. (Matthew 9:37-38, 13:37-43, 24:14, 28:18-20; Acts 1:8, 8:26-40; Romans 10:13-15)

XIII. The Family

Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. The husband and wife are of equal worth before God, since both are created in God’s image. The marriage relationship models the way God relates to His people. A husband is commanded to love his wife as Christ loved His church. He has a God given responsibility to provide for, to protect, and to lead his family. A wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the leadership of Christ. Children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing and heritage from the Lord. Parents are to teach their children spiritual and moral values and demonstrate a consistent lifestyle built on the foundation of biblical truth. In return, children are to honor and obey their parents. (Psalm 127, 128, 139:13-16; Proverbs 5:15-20, 12:4, 13:24, 17:6, 18:22, 23:13-14, 24:3, 31:10-31; Matthew 5:31-32, 19:3-9; Mark 10:6-12; I Corinthians 7:1-16; Ephesians 5:21-33, 6:1-4; Colossians 3:18-21; I Timothy 5:8, 14; Titus 2:3-5; Hebrews 13:4; I Peter 3:1-7)

XIV. Last Things

God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its appropriate end. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth; the dead will be raised; and Christ will judge all men in righteousness. The unrighteous will be consigned to Hell, a real place of everlasting punishment. The righteous in their resurrected and glorified bodies will receive their reward and will dwell forever in Heaven with the Lord. (Isaiah 2:4; Matthew 16:27, 19:28, 24:29-30, 36, 44, 25:31-46, 26:64; Luke 12:40, 16:19-26, 17:22-37, 21:27-28; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:11, 17:31; Romans 14:10; I Corinthians 4:5, 15:24-28, 35-58; II Corinthians 5:10; Philippians 3:20-21; Colossians 3:4; I Thess. 4:14-18, 5:1-11; II Timothy 4:1, 8; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 9:27-28; James 5:8; I John 2:28, 3:2; Revelation 1:18, 3:11, 20:1-15)

Ready to come see us?